LIPOSUCTION, a term derived from the Greek word ‘lipos’ meaning fat and the Latin ‘suctio’ meaning suction.
Therefore, the term LIPOSUCTION precisely describes the process performed during this procedure. It is a surgical intervention involving the removal of excess fat in areas where it accumulates excessively, primarily in the abdomen, arms, inner thighs, knees, buttocks, and hips. This procedure is suitable for individuals of various body types, both men and women, who struggle with fat deposition due to genetic predisposition.
- The option of local anesthesia for the procedure.
- Shorter duration compared to other types of liposuction.
- A gentle method.
- Immediate visible results from liposuction.
- A swift return to normal life (work, sports, etc.).
- Significantly lower percentage of bruising and contusions.
- A high percentage of viable fat cells suitable for transfer to other body areas.
Procedure Overview:
Phase – Preparation for Fat Extraction: Before liposuction, the targeted area is infused with a tumescent solution. The body-jet® device requires up to 70% less tumescent fluid for this step compared to traditional liposuction. This results in almost immediate visibility of the outcome because excess fluid is not left in the body.
• Phase – Fat Extraction: A gentle water jet disrupts the fatty tissue. Thanks to the water’s force, it can easily penetrate even the toughest layers, eliminating the need for aggressive movements with the surgical cannula. The procedure involves simultaneously injecting the tumescent solution and extracting fat cells, making the method gentler and causing fewer bruises.
• Phase – Fat Transfer: Fat cells are gently collected in a special container where pure fat tissue is separated from other watery components without any mechanical damage. Pure, separated fat can be immediately applied to the desired body areas following extraction.
• Phase – Result: The result is immediately visible after the procedure with minimal damage to surrounding tissues.
Postoperative Care:
- A rapid return to normal life is possible after this procedure.
- Compression garments for 6-8 weeks.
- Work leave – approximately 2-7 days.
- Resumption of sports and sauna activities – after 6 weeks.
Starting from 30,000 CZK.
First Method: WAL (Water-Assisted Liposuction)
The body-jet® liposuction devices allow a gentle and safe fat removal process using a water jet. This method can be performed under local anesthesia, reducing procedure time and recovery. It enables a quicker return to everyday life.
Second Method: PAL (Vibration-Assisted Liposuction)
MICROAIRE PAL® LIPOSCULPTOR™ – Vibration-Assisted Liposuction
Vibration-assisted liposuction gently moves the liposuction cannula through the tissue with a vibrating motion, ensuring a better outcome. The innovative MicroAire PAL® LipoSculptor™ is a patented system, reducing physical strain on the surgeon and ensuring both surgeon and patient satisfaction.
Unlike other methods, PAL® LipoSculptor™ doesn’t use heat during the procedure, eliminating the risk of tissue damage or burns.
Suction cannulas for PAL® LipoSculptor™ come in various sizes and types to meet specific requirements for fat removal.
An expert physician will recommend the suitable liposuction method for you during a personal consultation.